People of Pride and Purpose

Links Policy

The purpose of the City’s Web site is to provide information about the City’s government, services and attractions. The City’s Web site may provide links to Web sites outside the City’s Web site that also serve this purpose. The City is not responsible for and does not endorse the information on any linked Web site unless the City’s Web site states otherwise.

Links Policy

 The purpose of the City’s Web site is to provide information about the City’s government, services and attractions. The City’s Web site may provide links to Web sites outside the City’s Web site that also serve this purpose. The City is not responsible for and does not endorse the information on any linked Web site unless the City’s Web site states otherwise. The following criteria will be used to decide whether to grant requests for City Web site links. If a particular request does not fit any of the following criteria, the City Council will decide whether to approve the request. The City Council will approve the requested Web site link if it serves the general purpose of the City’s Web site.

The City’s Web site will provide links to Web sites for:

• Governmental and educational institutions

• Organizations with some relationship to the City (including but not limited to: organizations contracting with the City, organizations sponsoring City activities or programs, and organizations participating in City activities or programs)

• Generally recognized community organizations

• Organizations providing information about art, cultural, and sporting activities in the City’s area

• Organizations providing information about employment opportunities in the City’s area

• Organizations providing information about tourist attractions in the City’s area

The City’s Web site will not provide links to Web site for:

• Candidates for local, state or federal offices

• Political organizations or other organizations advocating a position on a local, state or federal issue

• Corporate or other for-profit organizations unless they fit any of the criteria stated above

• Individual or personal home pages